About me

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. My main fields of research are in Labour Economics, Development and Applied Microeconomics. In my work I apply causal inference methods to study issues on migration, gender and labour market duality. I visited Boston University during the Fall 2023.

I co-organise The Economics of Migration Junior Seminar.

Forthcoming Presentations:

  • Understanding Inequalities with Novel Data Methods, ifo Institute (February 2024).
  • HUMANS LACEA, The World Bank - IDB (March 2024).
  • Lisbon Migration Economics Workshop, ISEG (April 2024).
  • Investigating Social Inequalities with Survey and Register Data, IAB (April 2024).
  • WELAC-LACEA Gender and Household Economics Workshop - XIX RIDGE FORUM, PUC Chile (May 2024).
  • 5th EBRD-KCL Workshop on the Economics and Politics of Migration, King’s College London (June 2024).


  • PhD(c) Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • MSc in Economics (Distinction) at University College London